lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Las Avispas 

Questions about the author: 

¿Which kind of author lies upon The wasps?
The author was in fact funny, he is represented by his play. 

¿Did he have in mind any reader?
Yes, the greek people. 

¿Did he set a specific contract on it?
Yes, people wanted his play to be funny.

Questions about Sources: 

¿Is History the real and direct source?
Yes, because Cleon did in fact exist and he is important in the story. 

¿How far personal affairs influence the Plot?
There are always differences between parents and children. 

¿Is this a theater-play about Justice?
Yes, it talks a lot about trials. 

¿Why talking and writing about Justice through comedy?
He doesn’t like Athens justice, the effects of justice are been ridiculed in the play. 

Questions about anecdote: 

¿Is a love-hate relation between father and son? or ¿Is a justice-injustice one?
The son loves the father when he tolerates him and hates him when the father doesn’t do as the son say’s, also when the son locks up the father. 

Aristophanes criticizes Athens justice because nepotism happened. 

¿How worth is Justice in greek society?
Justice is really important, they really value that justice is made. 

Questions about structure: 

¿Is that kind of comedy structure made for  play performance?
Yes, it allows to show the relationship between father and son. 

¿How facts are put to deal kindly with argument and mise-en-scene?
So it follows the story line. 

Questions about Plot:

As a contemporary reader:
¿Can I find an example of Aristohane’s comedy in current Comedy?

¿How important is irony since then?
It allows people to insult someone in a subtle way. 

¿Should I consider Aristohane’s comedy a fixed model?
Well, in the future other writers got inspired by his play. 

As an author: 
¿Can it make rise attention in contemporary audience?
As a play yes, but as a “book” no. 

¿Could it be modified to get expectations of contemporary audience?
Yes, you could make the context more modern. 

Questions about Action:

¿Did author have another choice to write down his ideas on Plot?
It would’ve change the important stuff.

¿Is climax a paradigm to be broken?

¿How should climatic points be understood from the reader’s view?
You need to understand the climatic points so you understand the story. 

Questions about Time:

¿Is there any Narrative Technique I/You can identify for time developing?
It's cronological. 

¿Why to use that kind in his work, by Aristophanes?
No, this is a linear story. 

Questions about Space:

¿Does Athens represent the whole Greece?
It represents the important ones. 

¿Might Aristophanes foreshadow the present world?
No, he represented the greek people. 

¿May we have a glance of the ancient Greece through The wasps ?
Yes, it represents the world he was living in. 

Questions about Narrator:

¿What kind of narrator is the Chorus?
It adds information. 

¿Why did Chorus dissapeared in Theater plays? 
In modern theater the protagonist should  tell all the important information, should be enough. 

Questions about Characters:

¿What kind of character is the protagonist?
The father, because he makes the plot. 

¿What kind of character is the antagonist?
The son, he fights the father in he’s madness. 

Questions about Expression forms:

¿How dialogues are performed?
They have to be represented as the dialogues are, if it’s crazy it has to be shown as crazy. 

¿Do dialogues truly belong to the character which realize them?
No, because they are actors. 

Questions about Ideas:

¿Which kind of idea shows the highest level among them?
Social and political ideas. 

¿Why has the author done it so?
There’s an authority, the father and Cleon. 

¿What kind of thinking is for expressing ideas?

¿How characters counciousness is made out in the drama?
They act according to their conscience.

Questions about symbols:

¿What does the father represent ?
Broken authority.

¿What does represent the son?
Sanity, the new generation. 

¿What does represent dogs?
The ones that are accused for no reason. 

Questions about Meaning of the work:

¿Is The wasps important as classical Literature work?                                             
Yes, it's a base for future comedies. 

¿Is It worth of universal recognition? ¿Why?     
  It represents the values of the past, the present and the future of reality. 

Questions about Reception of the work:

¿How different was meaning in his age and today’s?
Plays always have to mean something, you can't write something without meaning. 

¿Are you shocked with Aristophanes world?
I find it interesting. 

¿Are remaining values from the past in our present world?
Yes, you have to behave in front of certain people. Also justice is important as well for the citizens. 


  • Roldán, Blas. (2017). Apuntes de la clase de cultura literaria. Universidad Panamericana. 

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